I need to write a 5 paragrah essay using Herringbone,decriptive words,transtiton and a metaphor in the fith paragraph. this is the topic:

If I werepresident of the United states, what three areas would you fous on to improve public education across the nation I need help on how to start this essay.

You start the essay by brainstorming.

Jot down your ideas about three ways you would improve public education.

Next, put these ideas into an outline.

Write the three paragraphs of the body of your paper, based upon your outline. Be sure to follow the guidelines of your assignment.

Finally, decide on a thesis statement. Include it in your introduction. The last part you'll write is your conclusion. Be sure to use a metaphor in this paragraph.

if you writing a five paragraph how much words are in a five paragraph.

To start your essay on improving public education across the nation as the hypothetical President of the United States, it's important to begin with a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides context for your discussion. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to craft a compelling opening paragraph:

1. Hook the reader: Begin with a captivating statement that immediately engages the reader's interest. This can be a shocking fact, an intriguing question, or a thought-provoking quote related to the topic of education or leadership.

2. Introduce the topic: Provide a brief background on the current state of public education in the United States. You can mention relevant statistics or highlight significant challenges that the system is facing. This sets the stage for your subsequent discussion on the areas you would focus on as President.

3. Present your thesis statement: Clearly state your main argument or your three chosen areas of focus for improving public education. Make sure your thesis statement is concise and specific, giving the reader a clear understanding of your main points.

4. Create a roadmap: Give a preview of what each body paragraph will address. This shows the reader the logical structure of your essay and helps them navigate through your thoughts.

By following these steps, you'll have a strong introduction that effectively introduces your topic, highlights its importance, and provides a clear direction for the rest of your essay.