crossword puzzle on analogies word given are joints:inflamed::?:atrophy, has 7 letters



To solve this crossword puzzle clue, we need to find a word that is analogous to the relationship between "joints" and "inflamed." The word we are searching for should also relate to "atrophy" and have 7 letters.

To find the answer, start by thinking about the relationship between "joints" and "inflamed." When joints are inflamed, it means they are irritated or swollen due to inflammation. Now, we need to find a word that follows a similar pattern with "atrophy."

The term "atrophy" refers to the wasting away or degeneration of muscles or body tissue. Thinking about this analogy, we can look for a word that represents the action or condition opposite to atrophy.

One possible answer that fits these criteria is "withered." When muscles or body tissue undergo atrophy, they become weak and shrink. Likewise, when something withers, it loses moisture and vitality, eventually becoming weak and shrinking.

Hence, the answer to the crossword puzzle clue "joints:inflamed::?:atrophy" with 7 letters could be "withered."