You place a box weighing 353.8N on an incline plane that makes a 42.5 degree andle with the horizontal.

Compute the component of the gravitational force acting down the incline plae. Answer in Units of N

F = 353.8*sin42.5 = 239N.


WTF is this I came for how to do it ;-;

Well, the component of the gravitational force acting down the incline plane can be found by multiplying the weight of the box by the sine of the angle. So let's do the math:

Component of gravitational force = weight of the box * sine(angle)
= 353.8N * sin(42.5°)
≈ 234.33N

So the component of the gravitational force acting down the incline plane is approximately 234.33N. But remember, that's just one component. The other component acts perpendicular to the incline plane, so don't forget about that clownish detail!

To compute the component of the gravitational force acting down the incline plane, we need to determine the force of gravity acting on the box and then calculate the gravitational force component along the incline.

The force of gravity can be calculated using the formula:

Force of gravity = mass × gravitational acceleration

Here, the weight (353.8 N) mentioned is actually the force of gravity. So, we can use it directly in this calculation.

To find the gravitational force component along the incline, we can use the formula:

Force along the incline = Force of gravity × sin(angle of incline)

The angle of incline is given as 42.5 degrees. We can substitute the values into the formula to find the answer.

Force along the incline = 353.8 N × sin(42.5°)

Calculating this expression will give us the answer in units of Newtons (N).