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The manner in which action is presented indicates verb:


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The manner in which action is presented indicates the verb voice.

To determine the manner in which action is presented, you need to consider the verb's mood, tense, and voice. Here is an explanation of each term:

1. Mood: It refers to the attitude or level of certainty expressed by the speaker through the verb. There are three main verb moods:

- Indicative mood: It is used to state facts or ask questions. For example, "She is running" or "Are you coming?"
- Imperative mood: It is used to give commands or make requests. For example, "Run faster!" or "Please come here."
- Subjunctive mood: It is used to express hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations. For example, "If I were you, I would go" or "She requested that he come early."

2. Tense: It indicates the time of the action or state expressed by the verb. There are three primary tenses:

- Past tense: It refers to actions or states that happened in the past. For example, "She ran" or "They ate dinner."
- Present tense: It refers to actions or states happening in the present. For example, "She runs" or "They eat dinner."
- Future tense: It refers to actions or states that will happen in the future. For example, "She will run" or "They will eat dinner."

3. Voice: It tells us whether the subject is performing the action (active voice) or receiving the action (passive voice). Here are examples of each:

- Active voice: "She paints the picture." (The subject "she" performs the action "paints.")
- Passive voice: "The picture is painted by her." (The subject "the picture" receives the action "is painted.")

In the given question, "The manner in which action is presented indicates verb" is not a complete sentence. However, if you're referring to the action of presenting, it can be analyzed as follows:

- Mood: It is indicative because it states a fact or general truth.
- Tense: The verb "is presented" is in the present tense, indicating that the action is happening now.
- Voice: The verb is in the passive voice as "action" is the receiver of the action "is presented."

Remember, context plays a crucial role in determining the mood, tense, and voice, so it's essential to consider the sentence and its intended meaning.