While traveling in Mexico, Samantha found some beautiful ceramic tiles. The tiles are squares,6.5 inches on each side. Samantha wants to buy enough tiles to cover the floor of her sun room. The sun room is also a square, 108 inches on each side.How many tiles does samantha need?

108 / 6.5 = 16.6

She'll need 17 squares for each side.

17 * 17 = 289 tiles

To determine the number of tiles Samantha needs to cover her sun room floor, we have to first calculate the area of the sun room and then divide it by the area of each tile.

1. Calculate the area of the sun room:
Since the sun room is a square with 108 inches on each side, we use the formula: Area = side length^2
Area of the sun room = 108 inches x 108 inches = 11,664 square inches

2. Calculate the area of each tile:
Since the tiles are squares with 6.5 inches on each side, we use the same formula: Area = side length^2
Area of each tile = 6.5 inches x 6.5 inches = 42.25 square inches

3. Determine the number of tiles needed:
Now, we divide the total area of the sun room by the area of each tile:
Number of tiles needed = Area of the sun room / Area of each tile
Number of tiles needed = 11,664 square inches / 42.25 square inches ≈ 276.28

Since we can't purchase a fraction of a tile, Samantha will need to round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Samantha needs approximately 277 tiles to cover the floor of her sun room.