According to the map,Tony' farm is just ahead. Is this an adverb phrase

"According to the map" is an adverb phrase.

Yes, the phrase "just ahead" in the sentence "According to the map, Tony's farm is just ahead" is an adverb phrase. It modifies the verb "is" by indicating the location or position of Tony's farm.

Yes, "just ahead" is indeed an adverb phrase.

To determine if a phrase is an adverb phrase, you can examine its function in the sentence. Adverb phrases typically modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide information about time, place, manner, frequency, degree, or condition. In this case, "just ahead" is describing the location of Tony's farm. It tells us where the farm is in relation to the current position, indicating that it is nearby. Therefore, "just ahead" functions as an adverb phrase modifying the verb "is".