jim can pack a bag of groceries in 6 seconds how many can be packed in 15min

solve as a fraction division problem to answer the question?

Would it be 25?

15 min * 60 sec/min = 900 sec

900 sec/6 sec = 150 bags

150 bags * 6 sec ea bag = 900 sec = 15 min

15 minutes = 60 * 15 = 900 seconds

900 / 6 = 150 bags in 15 minutes

To solve this as a fraction division problem, we need to convert the time units to the same denominator. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we need to express 15 minutes as seconds.

15 minutes × 60 seconds/minute = 900 seconds

Now, to find out how many bags Jim can pack in 15 minutes, we divide the total time (900 seconds) by the time it takes him to pack one bag (6 seconds):

900 seconds ÷ 6 seconds/bag

To divide fractions, we invert the second fraction and multiply:

900 seconds × 1 bag/6 seconds

Simplifying the fraction:

900/6 = 150

Therefore, Jim can pack 150 bags of groceries in 15 minutes.