What is the net force on a Mercedes convertible traveling along a straight road at a steady speed of 100km/h?

To determine the net force on a Mercedes convertible traveling at a steady speed of 100 km/h along a straight road, we need to consider the forces acting on the car. At a constant velocity, the net force is zero since the car is not accelerating.

1. Gravitational force: The force due to gravity acts vertically downward and is equal to the weight of the car. However, since the car is traveling on a flat road, the vertical component of the weight is balanced by the normal force from the road, resulting in zero net force in the vertical direction.

2. Frictional force: The frictional force acts opposite to the direction of motion and opposes the car's motion. However, at a constant speed, the frictional force is balanced by the driving force provided by the engine, resulting in zero net force in the horizontal direction.

Therefore, the net force on the Mercedes convertible traveling at a steady speed of 100 km/h along a straight road is zero.

To determine the net force on the Mercedes convertible traveling at a steady speed of 100 km/h, we need to consider the concept of Newton's first law of motion.

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

In this case, since the car is traveling at a steady speed, we can conclude that the net force acting on the car is zero. This is because the car is not accelerating or changing its speed or direction.

At a constant speed, the forces acting on the car are balanced. The force of the engine pushing the car forward (propulsive force) is countered by the opposing forces such as air resistance, rolling resistance, and any other external forces acting on the car.

Therefore, the net force on a Mercedes convertible traveling along a straight road at a steady speed of 100 km/h is zero.

You cannot do the calculation without additional information. At that speed, aerodynamic drag is the dominant force upon the car. Other retarding forces are engine cylinder friction, transmission friction, axle friction and rolling (tire) friction.

V = 100 km/h = 27.8 m/s

Drag = (1/2) (air density)*Cd*A*V^2

A is the frontal cross sectional area of the car.
Cd is the drag coefficient. For a well designed streamlined car, it is about 0.3.
The air density is typically 1.3 kg/m^3

For more data on the drag coefficient of cars, see

Do the numbers.