What number has 6 in tenths place,4 in the ones place,5 in the hundredths place,and 9 in the tens place?help me!




To determine the number with specific digits in different places, you need to understand the place value system in decimal numbers. Let's break it down step by step.

In a decimal number, each digit is multiplied by its place value. The places from right to left are:

- Tenths (1/10)
- Hundredths (1/100)
- Thousandths (1/1000)
- Tens (10)
- Hundreds (100)
- Thousands (1000)
- Ten thousands (10,000)
- And so on...

Given the digits provided, we can rearrange them to form the number by assigning them to their respective places:

Tenths place: The digit 6 is in the tenths place, so it would be multiplied by (1/10).

Ones place: The digit 4 is in the ones place, so it would be multiplied by 1.

Hundredths place: The digit 5 is in the hundredths place, so it would be multiplied by (1/100).

Tens place: The digit 9 is in the tens place, so it would be multiplied by 10.

To find the number, we can add the products:

Number = (6 x 1/10) + (4 x 1) + (5 x 1/100) + (9 x 10)

Simplifying the equation:

Number = 0.6 + 4 + 0.05 + 90

Number = 94.65

Therefore, the number with 6 in the tenths place, 4 in the ones place, 5 in the hundredths place, and 9 in the tens place is 94.65.