Read the following sentence. Decide if the BOLD adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.

He did a VERY good job.

1. verb
2. adjective
3. adverb

What do YOU THINK?

To determine if the bold adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb in the sentence "He did a VERY good job," you need to understand the role of each word.

The verb in the sentence is "did," which is the action performed by the subject "He."

The adjective in the sentence is "good," which describes the noun "job."

The adverb in the sentence is "very," which typically modifies adjectives or adverbs by adding intensity or degree.

In this case, "very" modifies the adjective "good" by adding emphasis and indicating that the job was performed exceptionally well. Therefore, the answer is 2. adjective