need help revising the outline to complete sentences in parallel form.

improving health
1. exercise
a. aerobics
b. stretching and strengh training
c. vary routine
2 better eating habits
a. healthy food
b. eat less
c eat more often

Try this and then re-post:

Put a capital letter at the beginning of each item's first word, and then add a verb and complete each thought as a sentence.

improving health
1. exercise
a. aerobics
b. stretching and strengh training
c. variation of routine
2 better eating habits
a. healthful food
b. eating less
c. eating more often

To revise the outline and complete the sentences in parallel form, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main categories: The main categories in your outline are "exercise" and "better eating habits."

2. List the subcategories for each main category:
a. Exercise subcategories: The subcategories for exercise are "aerobics," "stretching and strength training," and "vary routine."
b. Better eating habits subcategories: The subcategories for better eating habits are "healthy food," "eat less," and "eat more often."

3. Rearrange the subcategories in parallel form:
a. Exercise subcategories revised in parallel form:
- Engaging in aerobics
- Performing stretching and strength training
- Varying your exercise routine

b. Better eating habits subcategories revised in parallel form:
- Choosing healthy food options
- Eating less
- Eating more often

4. Build complete sentences using the revised subcategories:
a. To improve your health, consider engaging in aerobics, performing stretching and strength training, and varying your exercise routine.
b. To enhance your health, focus on choosing healthy food options, eating less, and eating more often.

By following these steps, you can revise the outline and create sentences that maintain parallel structure for better clarity and coherence in your writing.