A mail-order company charges $12 for each shirt. Shipping costs $f per oder.

Write a variable expression for the cost of odering x number of shirts

Suppose you buy x shirts to be shipped as one order. What is the cost of the shirts? What is the cost of shipping?

I think you need to know how many shirts were ordered per order. If ten shirts were ordered on ONE order, the cost is 10x+4

If ten shirts were ordered on ten orders, then cost is

So I am not certain there is a definite answer here.

sorry I wrote the questionwrong!!!

A mail order company charges $12 for each shirt. Shipping costs $5 per order.

Write a variable expression for the cost of ordering x numbers of shirts.


That is to order x shirts one one order.

i had the same question on my pre-al test i couldn't figure it on when i was correcting it so i googled it and here it is! thanks guys!

To write a variable expression for the cost of ordering x number of shirts from the mail-order company, we need to consider the cost of the shirts and the shipping cost.

The cost of the shirts is given as $12 per shirt. Therefore, the cost of ordering x shirts would be 12 * x.

The shipping cost is given as $f per order, where f is the shipping cost.

Combining these two costs, the variable expression for the cost of ordering x number of shirts would be:
12x + f.