Prove the following trigonometric identity: (sec^2x-1)(csc^2x-1)=1

randy re check the question and use brackets to identify

do u mean secant squared?
or secant to the power of 2x-1

secant squared... ((sec^2)x-1)((csc^2)x-1)

re write the question properly

sec^2 x?
is there something there?
there should be either x or thetha there
and is it multplied

Sorry forgot the =1 on the end, ((sec^2)x-1)((csc^2)x-1)=1

(sec^2 (x) - 1)(csc^2 (x) - 1) = 1

sec^2 (x) - 1 = tan^2 (x)
csc^2 (x) - 1 = cot^2 (x)

(tan^2 (x) )(cot^2 (x)) = 1
cot^2 (x) = 1/tan^2 (x)

(tan^2 (x) )(1/tan^2 (x))= 1
tan^2 (x)/tan^2 (x)= 1
1 = 1

Thank you.

you're welcome