Water is added to 4.267 grams of UF6. The only products are 3.730 grams of a solid containing only uranium, oxygen and fluorine and 0.970 gram of gas. The gas is 95.0% flourine, and the remainder is hydrogen. From data determine the empirical formula of the gas.

What fraction of the fluorine of the original compound is in the solid and what fraction in the gas after the reaction?
What is the formula of the solid product?
Write a balance equation for the reaction between UF6 and H2O. Assume that the empirical formula of the gas is the true formula.

To determine the empirical formula of the gas, we need to take into account the masses of the elements present in both the solid and the gas after the reaction.

1. Fraction of Fluorine in the Solid and Gas:
First, we need to calculate the amount of fluorine in the solid and the gas after the reaction:

Mass of fluorine in the solid = mass of solid product - mass of uranium and oxygen
Mass of fluorine in the solid = 3.730 g - (mass of uranium + mass of oxygen)

Mass of fluorine in the gas = mass of gas product * % composition of fluorine in the gas
Mass of fluorine in the gas = 0.970 g * 0.950 (95.0% as a decimal)

To find the fraction of fluorine in the solid and gas, we divide the mass of each by the total mass:

Fraction of fluorine in the solid = Mass of fluorine in the solid / Total mass of solid
Fraction of fluorine in the gas = Mass of fluorine in the gas / Total mass of gas

2. Formula of the Solid Product:
To determine the formula of the solid product, we need to calculate the molar ratios of uranium, oxygen, and fluorine in the solid product. From the molar ratios, we can determine the empirical formula.

3. Balanced Equation:
To write the balanced equation for the reaction between UF6 and H2O, we need to consider the conservation of mass. The balanced equation should have the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.

Given that the empirical formula of the gas is the true formula, we can write the balanced equation as follows:

UF6 + 3H2O → UO2F2 + 6HF

Now we have all the information required to solve the problem. Use the given data and calculations to determine the empirical formula of the gas, the fraction of fluorine in the solid and gas, and the formula of the solid product.