Z+5/7=3 home work problem that was not taught in class?



7z + 5 = 21


z + 5/7 = 3

z = 3 - 5/7
z= 2&2/7

Assuming that you are solving for z...


subtract the 5/7 over to get the "Z" by itself. This would leave you with...


Now you need a common denominator so you can legally subtract the 3 and 5/7. Your common denomenator would be a 7 because the 3 has no denominator and the 7 is already there...So give the 3 a 7/7 to get 21/7 it would be useless to go higher than a 7...don't do more than you have to.


Now all you have to do is subtract.


See if you can reduce...which you can't, then circle your answer and there it is! Hope this helps...oh and don't forget to keep things in order...you are subtracting...and can't mess the order up.

To solve the equation Z+5/7=3, you need to isolate the variable Z. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Begin by subtracting 5/7 from both sides of the equation to move the constant term to the right side:
Z + 5/7 - 5/7 = 3 - 5/7

Simplifying the left side:
Z = 3 - 5/7

Step 2: The right side is a mixed number, so you need to convert it to an improper fraction:
Z = 3 - 5/7 = 21/7 - 5/7 = 16/7

Therefore, the solution to the equation Z+5/7=3 is Z = 16/7.