Explain the basis of judgment you believe should be used for addressing the moral questions or dilemmas surrounding the issue of coal use.

What exactly is this question asking of me? Not sure what to do.

IT is asking you for what you see as the good and bad of using coal, from a moral point of view.

Such as effect on the environment (air,greenhouse, destroyed landscape)
Consequences on health of population
Consequences on not emphasizing reduced use of power...in fact, what does it mean to burn coal to cool houses?

I'd start by thinking of the moral issues on using coal. It pollutes. But what alternatives do we have? What do you think should be done about coal?

Then, think about why you've made that decision. Is it for scientific reasons? Religious reasons? Pragmatism? Those reasons would form the basis of your judgment.

This question is asking for your perspective on the basis of judgment that should be applied when addressing the moral questions or dilemmas related to coal use. In other words, it is asking you to explain the principles or criteria that you think should be used to evaluate whether coal use is morally acceptable or not.

To answer this question, you need to reflect on your own moral values and beliefs and consider what factors should be taken into account when evaluating the moral implications of coal use. Your response should articulate the ethical principles or frameworks that guide your thinking on this issue.

There are various approaches you can take to formulate your answer. One common framework is consequentialism, which focuses on the outcomes or consequences of actions. In this context, you might consider the environmental impact of coal use, such as air and water pollution, climate change, and harm to ecosystems, as important factors in your judgment. You would argue that the negative consequences of coal use outweigh any potential benefits it may have.

Alternatively, you could adopt a deontological approach, which focuses on the inherent nature of actions rather than their consequences. In this case, you might argue that the extraction and burning of coal violate certain ethical principles, such as respecting the rights of future generations or avoiding harm to vulnerable communities impacted by coal mining.

Ultimately, your response should provide a clear explanation of the basis upon which you believe moral judgments surrounding coal use should be made, drawing on ethical principles, values, and considerations that you find most relevant.