Which of the following sentences uses a preposition properly?

1.Where is Mike?
2 Paul waited while Mark parked the car.
3 I might of lenet him the book, if he had asked.
4. There was a big argument between Sara,Amanda, and Sue.
I picked 2

You're right. # 2 is the correct answer. :-)

Thank you :)

You picked the correct answer, which is sentence number 2: "Paul waited while Mark parked the car." In this sentence, the preposition "while" is properly used to show the concurrent actions of Paul waiting and Mark parking the car.

To identify the correct usage of a preposition, it is important to understand what a preposition is. A preposition is a word that establishes a relationship between its object and another word in the sentence. It typically shows location, time, direction, or how things are related to each other.

In sentence number 2, the preposition "while" is correctly used to indicate the time during which Paul waited. "Mark parked the car" is the object of the preposition, and it describes the action that took place during the specified time.

It's important to note that sentences 1, 3, and 4 do not use prepositions correctly. In sentence 1, the word "where" is an adverb, not a preposition. In sentence 3, the phrase "might of lenet" incorrect grammar, and the word "of" should be replaced with "have" to properly form the verb phrase "might have lent." In sentence 4, the word "between" is used correctly as a preposition, but there should be commas to separate the names of the people involved, as in "between Sara, Amanda, and Sue."