Technological changes do not directly affect what, how, when, and where products are to be marketed. Now is this true or false and why?

This statement is false. We've come a long way from the weekly village markets and the later door-to-door salesmen, which were staples of marketing in the past.

Now we have changing, blinking marquees, Internet ads, as well as the ubiquitous TV ad. The latest marketing technique is the automated phone call marketing many of this year's political candidates.

a higher price for a product?
a) encourages sellers to sell less of it
b) causes shortage
c) shift both the demand and supply curve
d) cause buyer to buy less
Please help me on this multiple choice

If a higher price is set for a product, the correct answer would be "d) cause the buyer to buy less." When the price of a product increases, it often leads to a decrease in demand from buyers as they may find the product less affordable or desirable at the higher price. As a result, they may choose to purchase less or seek alternative options.

The correct answer is d) cause buyers to buy less.

When the price of a product increases, it generally leads to a decrease in demand. This is because buyers are less willing or able to purchase the product at a higher price. As a result, sellers may sell less of the product as the demand decreases. So, a higher price for a product causes buyers to buy less.

The correct answer to this multiple-choice question is "d) cause the buyer to buy less." When the price of a product increases, it tends to discourage potential buyers from purchasing it or reduce the quantity that they are willing to buy. This is because a higher price typically makes the product less affordable or less valuable to the buyer. As a result, the demand for the product decreases, causing the buyer to buy less of it.

To understand why this answer is correct, we can refer to the law of demand, which states that, all else being equal, as the price of a product increases, the quantity demanded of that product decreases. This relationship between price and quantity demanded is illustrated by the downward-sloping demand curve on a supply and demand graph. So, when the price of a product increases, it directly affects the behavior of the buyer by reducing their willingness to purchase the product.