I am stuck on this question please help

Which sentence demonstrates correct use of modifiers?

1.Kelly found a broken glass washing dishes.
2.Startled by the noise ,the alarm clock was knocked on the floor.
3. Standing on a chair, I was just able to reach the high window.
4. Sam gave snacks to his friends in plactic bags.

I picked 3

These are known as misplaced or dangling modifiers. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Was the broken glass washing the dishes?

2. Was the alarm clock startled by the noise?

3. Was "I" standing on a chair?

4. Were Sam's friends in plastic bags.

So -- yes -- your answer of #3 is correct.


Which of these is a run-on sentence?

Good job! You correctly identified sentence 3 as the one that demonstrates correct use of modifiers. Let's break down the reasoning behind it.

Modifiers are words or phrases that provide additional description or information about other parts of a sentence. They can be adjectives, adverbs, or phrases. The key to using modifiers correctly is placing them in a position that clearly connects them to the word or words they modify.

In sentence 3, the phrase "Standing on a chair" is a participial phrase that acts as an adjective, modifying the pronoun "I." This phrase clearly describes the action of the subject, "I," and provides additional information about how the person was able to reach the high window.

In sentences 1, 2, and 4, there are issues with the placement or use of modifiers, making them incorrect.

In sentence 1, it should be "Kelly found a broken glass while washing dishes." The modifier "washing dishes" should be placed after the verb "found" to specify when the action of finding the glass took place.

In sentence 2, the placement of the modifier "Startled by the noise" is unclear. It seems to be modifying the noun phrase "the alarm clock," but it's more likely intended to describe the person or entity responsible for knocking the alarm clock onto the floor. To revise this sentence, you could say "The alarm clock was knocked to the floor by an unknown source, startling me."

In sentence 4, the modifier "in plastic bags" is correct, but it is not clear what it is modifying. To make the sentence more precise, you could rephrase it as "Sam gave snacks to his friends, using plastic bags as containers."

Remember, when using modifiers, it's essential to place them in a position that clearly conveys their meaning and connects them to the words they modify.