Solve each equation by completing the square.






-10x^2 -9x+1=0



-3 1/3x^2+ 10x -27 1/2= -231/3

#7) 5x^2-x=4 is x=1

36x = 8x^2 +28

8 x^2 -36x +28 = 0
x^2- (9/2)x + 7/2 = 0
(x - 9/4)^2 +7/2 - 81/16 = 0
(x - 9/4)^2 = (81-56)/16 = 25/16
x - 9/4 = + or - 5/4
x = 1 or 7/2

I'll be glad to check your work on the other ones

To solve each equation by completing the square, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Rearrange the equation so that the variable terms are on one side and the constant term is on the other side.

Step 2: Divide the equation by the coefficient of the squared term to make the coefficient 1.

Step 3: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation.

Step 4: Take half of the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides of the equation.

Step 5: Factor the trinomial on the left side of the equation, if possible.

Step 6: Solve for the variable using the square root property.

Now let's solve each equation:

1) -36x = 8x^2 + 28

Rearrange the equation: 8x^2 + 36x + 28 = 0

Divide by the coefficient of the squared term: x^2 + 4.5x + 3.5 = 0

Move the constant term to the other side: x^2 + 4.5x = -3.5

Take half of the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides: x^2 + 4.5x + (4.5/2)^2 = -3.5 + (4.5/2)^2
x^2 + 4.5x + 2.25 = -3.5 + 2.25

Factor the trinomial: (x + 2.25)^2 = -1.25

Take the square root of both sides: x + 2.25 = ±√(-1.25)

Since the square root of a negative number is not a real number, there is no real solution for this equation.

2) -8x^2 - 3x = -5

Rearrange the equation: 8x^2 + 3x - 5 = 0

Divide by the coefficient of the squared term: x^2 + (3/8)x - (5/8) = 0

Move the constant term to the other side: x^2 + (3/8)x = (5/8)

Take half of the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides: x^2 + (3/8)x + (3/16)^2 = (5/8) + (3/16)^2
x^2 + (3/8)x + 9/256 = 40/256 + 9/256

Factor the trinomial: (x + 3/16)^2 = 49/256

Take the square root of both sides: x + 3/16 = ±√(49/256) = ±(7/16)

Solve for x: x = -3/16 ± (7/16)

Therefore, the solutions are x = -10/16 and x = 4/16, which simplify to x = -5/8 and x = 1/4.

3) 5x^2 - x - 6 = 0

Divide by the coefficient of the squared term: x^2 - (1/5)x - (6/5) = 0

Move the constant term to the other side: x^2 - (1/5)x = (6/5)

Take half of the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides: x^2 - (1/5)x + (1/10)^2 = (6/5) + (1/10)^2
x^2 - (1/5)x + 1/100 = 30/100 + 1/100

Factor the trinomial: (x - 1/10)^2 = 31/100

Take the square root of both sides: x - 1/10 = ±√(31/100) = ±(√31/10)

Solve for x: x = 1/10 ± (√31/10)

The solutions are x = (1 ± √31)/10.

Continue to solve the remaining equations using the steps outlined above.