If disclosure of PHI is permitted under HIPAA, what is disclosed? A. All information the particular doctor has on that patient, B. Information the doctor thinks should be disclosed, C. The minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose of the disclosure, D.Information both patient and doctor think should be disclosed. I think it is C. but I'm not sure help please!


C sounds right, but check some of the websites in these search results to make sure.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and understand the principle of disclosure under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

A. All information the particular doctor has on that patient: This answer choice is not accurate. HIPAA emphasizes the principle of minimum necessary, meaning that only the minimum amount of Protected Health Information (PHI) necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of the disclosure should be shared.

B. Information the doctor thinks should be disclosed: This answer choice is subjective and not in line with HIPAA regulations. The decision of disclosure should not be solely based on the doctor's opinion.

C. The minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose of the disclosure: This answer choice aligns with HIPAA requirements. The minimum necessary principle states that only the least amount of PHI required to achieve the intended purpose of the disclosure should be shared. This ensures privacy and security of patient's health information.

D. Information both patient and doctor think should be disclosed: This answer choice goes beyond the minimum necessary principle defined by HIPAA. While patient input and preferences should be considered, the determination of disclosure should primarily focus on the minimum necessary principle.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is indeed C. The minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose of the disclosure.