For my school assignment I am to create a Facebook for George Washington. Anyone have an idea of people I could put in his friends list?

Thank You

what is canal?

an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boat or ships

Certainly! When creating a Facebook profile for George Washington, you can include people who were notable figures in his life during the time he lived. Here are some suggestions for people you could add to his friends list:

1. Thomas Jefferson: A Founding Father and the third President of the United States, Jefferson was a close friend and political ally of Washington.
2. Benjamin Franklin: An inventor, scientist, and diplomat, Franklin was another Founding Father who had a strong influence on Washington and the events leading up to the American Revolution.
3. John Adams: The second President of the United States, Adams served as Washington's Vice President and played a significant role in shaping the early years of the nation.
4. Alexander Hamilton: A prominent statesman and the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was a key member of Washington's administration and played a vital role in establishing America's financial system.
5. Marquis de Lafayette: A French general and ally to the American cause, Lafayette fought alongside Washington during the Revolutionary War and remained a lifelong friend.
6. Abigail Adams: The wife of John Adams, Abigail Adams was known for her intellect and political opinions. She corresponded with Washington and shared her thoughts on various matters.
7. George Mason: A Virginia statesman and influential figure in the crafting of the U.S. Constitution, Mason interacted with Washington and had a strong impact on the founding principles of the nation.

To find more people who could be part of George Washington's friends list, consider researching his contemporaries, fellow Founding Fathers, military colleagues, and political associates from the revolutionary era. This will help you create an accurate and engaging Facebook profile for George Washington.