y >=-1

That question is its own answer.

The inequality y >= -1 represents a range of numbers where y is greater than or equal to -1. To understand this inequality, you can think of it in terms of a number line.

To graphically represent the inequality, draw a number line and mark -1 as a point on the line. Then shade the region to the right of -1, including -1 itself. This represents the values of y that satisfy the inequality.

To check if a specific value of y satisfies the inequality, simply plug in that value for y and see if the resulting statement is true. For example, if you want to check if y = 0 satisfies the inequality, you would replace y with 0 in the original inequality: 0 >= -1. Since 0 is greater than or equal to -1, the statement is true. Therefore, y = 0 is a valid solution.

In general, any value of y that is greater than or equal to -1 will satisfy the inequality.