
is this supposed to be a slope-intercept form question?

if it is then:

divide everything by 7
y=-1 7/25-49

hope that helps!

To solve the equation 9x - 7y = -49, the goal is to isolate one of the variables, either x or y.

One method to do this is by rearranging the equation to solve for x or y in terms of the other variable. Let's solve for x.

Step 1: Start with the equation: 9x - 7y = -49.
Step 2: Add 7y to both sides of the equation to get: 9x = 7y - 49.
Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 9 to isolate x: x = (7y - 49) / 9.

Now, you have solved the equation for x in terms of y.

Similarly, if you want to solve for y in terms of x, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the equation: 9x - 7y = -49.
Step 2: Subtract 9x from both sides of the equation to get: -7y = -9x - 49.
Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by -7 to isolate y: y = (-9x - 49) / -7.

Now you have solved the equation for y in terms of x.

Remember, these are the general steps to solve this equation. The specific use case can vary depending on the method you prefer or the requirement of the problem.