which items contain mineral that can be used without being extracted after they are removed from the ground?

Removal from the ground IS extraction, by some definitions.

Materials usable in the mined form include potash, sodium nitrate, gypsum, gold, salt, coal etc.

To identify items that can be used without being extracted after they are removed from the ground, you can consider naturally occurring substances that have properties or characteristics that allow them to be used directly. Here are a few examples:

1. Potash: Potash is a mineral containing potassium compounds, commonly used in fertilizers. It is often found in abundance in certain underground layers and can be used in its natural state without extraction.

2. Sodium nitrate: Sodium nitrate is a naturally occurring mineral that is commonly used in fertilizers, food preservation, and as an ingredient in some explosives. It can be found in deposits in the form of crystals and can be used without the need for extensive extraction processes.

3. Gypsum: Gypsum is a soft mineral composed of calcium sulfate. It is widely used in construction materials, as well as in agriculture and industrial applications. Gypsum deposits can be found close to the Earth's surface, and the mineral can be used directly after mining without further extraction.

4. Gold: Gold is a precious metal that is often found in its pure form as nuggets or flakes in rivers or underground deposits. Due to its high value and stability, gold can be used directly without any additional extraction processes, making it one of the most recognizable items that can be used in its natural state.

5. Salt: Salt is a mineral that is essential for human consumption and is found in vast salt beds and deposits worldwide. Once mined, salt can be used directly without requiring any extraction.

6. Coal: Coal is a fossil fuel formed from plant material that has undergone geological processes over millions of years. Unlike other minerals, coal needs to be extracted from underground mines or open-pit mines. However, once it is removed, coal can be used directly for energy production without further extraction.

When considering items that can be used without further extraction, it is essential to note that different industries might have specific processing requirements for optimal use. It is always advisable to consult experts or relevant guidelines for the specific application of the mined material.