rectangle A has length 12 cm and width 6 cm and while rectangle B has llength 8 cm and width 5 cm .find the ratio of the size of and angle of A to the size of an angle of B

To find the ratio of the angles in two rectangles, we need to first understand the relationship between the angles and the sides of the rectangles.

In a rectangle, opposite sides are parallel and equal in length, and all four angles are right angles (90 degrees). This means that all angles in a rectangle are equal.

Now, let's calculate the size of the angles for each rectangle.

Rectangle A:
Length = 12 cm
Width = 6 cm

Since opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel, the length corresponds to one pair of opposite sides, and the width corresponds to the other pair of opposite sides.

So, the size of the angles in Rectangle A is 90 degrees.

Rectangle B:
Length = 8 cm
Width = 5 cm

Similarly, in Rectangle B, the size of the angles is also 90 degrees.

Since both rectangles have the same angle size (90 degrees), the ratio of the angle sizes of Rectangle A to Rectangle B is 1:1 or simply 1.

Therefore, the ratio of the size of an angle of A to the size of an angle of B is 1.

your question makes no sense to me.

all angles in rectangles are 90°, so what do you mean by the ratio of size of the angle?

Did you want the ratio of the areas?