evaluate the expression

-c + 7b
when c = -2 and b = 5

-(-2) + (7x5) = 2 + 35 = ?

To evaluate the expression -c + 7b when c = -2 and b = 5, we substitute the given values into the expression and perform the necessary arithmetic.

Step 1: Substitute the value of c into the expression:
-c + 7b = -(-2) + 7b

Step 2: Simplify the expression:
-(-2) = 2

Step 3: Substitute the value of b into the expression:
2 + 7b = 2 + 7(5)

Step 4: Perform the arithmetic operation:
2 + 7(5) = 2 + 35 = 37

Therefore, when c = -2 and b = 5, the expression -c + 7b evaluates to 37.