exploring mathematics elementary algebra....the sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. the value of the number is equal to 11 times the tens digit. find the number.

Assistance needed.

let the unit digit be x

let the tens digit be y
so the "value" of the two digit number is 10y + x

and then you said:
10y + x = 11y
x = y
but we also know x+y = 12

mmmh? Can you think of two numbers that are equal and add up to 12 without doing the algebra?

To find the two-digit number, let's go step by step:

Let's assume the tens digit is x and the units digit is y. Therefore, the two-digit number can be expressed as 10x + y.

According to the problem, the sum of the digits of the two-digit number is 12. Hence, we can set up the equation:

x + y = 12 (Equation 1)

The problem also states that the value of the number is equal to 11 times the tens digit. Therefore, we have:

10x + y = 11x (Equation 2)

Now, let's solve this system of equations by substituting Equation 1 into Equation 2:

10x + y = 11x
10x + (12 - x) = 11x
10x + 12 - x = 11x
9x + 12 = 11x

To eliminate the variable on the right side, we'll subtract 9x from both sides:

12 = 11x - 9x
12 = 2x

Next, divide both sides by 2:

12/2 = x
6 = x

So, the tens digit, x, is equal to 6.

Now, substitute x = 6 back into Equation 1 to find the value of y:

6 + y = 12
y = 12 - 6
y = 6

Therefore, the units digit, y, is 6.

Thus, the two-digit number is 10x + y, which gives us:

Number = 10(6) + 6
Number = 60 + 6
Number = 66

Hence, the number is 66.