stacy multiplied 589 and said the answer was 44. what two patterns could you use to show that her answer is not correct?

She multiplied 589 by what?

im sorry that was supposed to be 5*9 that she multiplied

Please see my answer to your other problem. It has a good clue about the answer to this problem.

yes i think i got would the number pattern be 2???

If you multiply two odd numbers, would you expect the product to be odd or even?


i meant the answer to my other problem that i got was the #2 number pattern.

so i know that i would use the #5 number pattern for one answer but i gotta use two number patterns so would 9 be the 2nd number pattern?

The digits of all multiples of 9 add up to 9.

18, 27, 36, 45, etc.

To show that Stacy's answer of 44 is not correct when multiplying 589, we can use two patterns: the patterns of multiplication and the pattern of estimation.

1. Pattern of Multiplication:
To determine if Stacy's answer is correct, we can perform the multiplication ourselves. Let's multiply 589 by using the traditional method of multiplication:

x 1
589 (Multiply 1 by each digit)
+ 5890 (Multiply 1 by the tens place)
+ 58900 (Multiply 1 by the hundreds place)

As you can see, the correct product of 589 multiplied by 1 is 58900, which is significantly larger than Stacy's answer of 44. Hence, her calculation is incorrect.

2. Pattern of Estimation:
Another way to assess the correctness of Stacy's answer is by estimating the result. Estimation is a useful tool to quickly determine an approximate answer. Let's estimate the product of 589:

The number 589 is close to 600, and multiplying 589 by 1 will yield a result close to 600. Since 600 is way larger than Stacy's answer of 44, we can conclude that her answer is not correct.

So, both the pattern of multiplication and the pattern of estimation are effective ways to demonstrate that Stacy's answer of 44 is incorrect when multiplying 589.