To create a supernaturated solution, a student heats a beaker of water on a hot plate and adds sugar until no more sugar will dissolve. The student then strains the solution through a funnel using filter paper and allows the solution to cool. Name two safety procedures the student should follow in this expirement, and explain why the safety procedures are necessary to prevent injury.

The student should follow two safety procedures in this experiment to ensure their safety and prevent injury:

1. Wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE): The student should wear appropriate PPE, such as safety goggles and gloves. Safety goggles protect the eyes from potential splashes, spills, or spatters during the experiment. Gloves provide protection against any potential contact with hot glass or hazardous chemicals. Wearing PPE is necessary to prevent eye injuries and skin burns.

2. Handling hot equipment with care: The student should handle the hot equipment, such as the beaker and the hot plate, with caution. This involves using appropriate heat-resistant equipment, such as tongs or a heat-resistant glove, to handle hot objects. Care must be taken while pouring the hot solution to avoid spills or splashes, which could result in burns or scalding. Handling hot equipment with care is necessary to prevent burns and other heat-related injuries.

By following these safety procedures, the student can minimize the risk of injury and ensure a safe experimental environment.