I need to evaluate the following expression. Can anyone tell me if I am right on this or on the right track? Thanks

6 (x+3) - 4 (x+2)

6x+18) – (4x+8)

6x + 18 - 4x -8

2x +10

correct, but don't forget to place an "=" in front of each new line

also, you can go directly to the third line by the application of the distributive property

You are correct in evaluating the expression! Here's how you can break it down step by step:

1. Start by distributing the coefficients outside the parentheses to the terms inside each set of parentheses.
For the first set of parentheses, multiply 6 by each term inside: 6 * x = 6x and 6 * 3 = 18.
For the second set of parentheses, multiply 4 by each term inside: 4 * x = 4x and 4 * 2 = 8.

2. Simplify the expression by combining like terms.
Combine the terms with the same variable, 6x and 4x: 6x - 4x = 2x.
Combine the constant terms, 18 and -8: 18 - 8 = 10.

So, the final simplified expression is 2x + 10.