I need to know how to write in word form how 7/8 is greater than 5/6

Seven-eighths is the same as twenty-one twenty-fourths. Five-sixths is the same as twenty twenty-fourths. Twenty-one twenty-fourths is greater than twenty twenty-fourths.

i need to know three ways to show that 7/8 is greater than 5/6.

One way is if you write those fractions down across from each other 7/8 5/6 but write it with the line going between the fractions instead of doing it with the slant lines like I did then multiply the numbers across

7x6 =42.
8x5 =40
As you can see 7/8 is bigger than 5/6 3

Okay what is it then just smoking it and you fart and then you don't have a reason why you don't want to talk to me lol bye I'm going out for a long weekend lol I just want a pizza right about the next day or I can still get to the one that she says oh well she was the best thing that she was on saying I had no inkling she said I don't think I would be a mom to me and my sister is the best sister ever she and I will have to go back to school tomorrow


To compare the fractions 7/8 and 5/6, we can first convert them to their word forms. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the fraction 7/8. To convert it to its word form, follow this process:
- The numerator, 7, represents the number of parts we have.
- The denominator, 8, represents the total number of equal parts the whole is divided into.

2. Now, let's convert the numerator, 7, to word form:
- If we have 1 part, we say "one."
- If we have 2 parts, we say "two."
- Following this pattern, for 7 parts, we say "seven."

3. Next, let's convert the denominator, 8, to word form:
- If we divide something into 2 equal parts, we say "halves."
- If we divide it into 3 equal parts, we say "thirds."
- Similarly, for 8 equal parts, we say "eighths."

4. Combine the converted numerator and denominator to form the word form of the fraction 7/8:
- "Seven eighths."

Now, let's move on to the fraction 5/6:

5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the fraction 5/6:
- The numerator, 5, when converted to word form, is "five."
- The denominator, 6, when converted to word form, is "sixths."

6. Combine the converted numerator and denominator to form the word form of the fraction 5/6:
- "Five sixths."

To conclude, the word form of the fraction 7/8 is "seven eighths," and the word form of the fraction 5/6 is "five sixths." Therefore, in word form, you can say "seven eighths is greater than five sixths."