you receive a $25 gift card card to a sporting goods store for your birthday. you are looking at skateboards and want to spend no more than $85 of your own money.

a. write and solve an inequality to find the prices(p)in dollars of skateboards you can buy

The other answer is wrong, first, it tells you to use "p",not x. Also it should be <=

p - 25 <= 85

Let x = price of skateboard

x - 25 < 85

Solve for x.

To find the prices (p) of skateboards you can buy, you need to set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let x be the price of the skateboard in dollars.

According to the given information, you can spend no more than $85 of your own money after using the $25 gift card. So, the inequality can be written as:

25 + x ≤ 85

Now solve the inequality for x:

Subtracting 25 from both sides:

x ≤ 85 - 25

x ≤ 60

Therefore, the prices (p) of skateboards you can buy are any values less than or equal to $60.

To find the prices of skateboards that you can buy with the gift card and your own money, we can set up an inequality.

Let's say the cost of a skateboard is 'p' dollars. Since you want to spend no more than $85 of your own money, you need to subtract $85 from the total cost of the skateboard.

The inequality can be written as:
p - 85 ≤ 25

Simplifying the inequality, we get:
p ≤ 25 + 85
p ≤ 110

Therefore, the inequality to find the prices (p) of skateboards you can buy is p ≤ 110.