I'm writing a Precis of a book and it asks to to put the literary period and country I tried to look but I still don't really understand.


This site explains literary periods.


The country could be either the author's or the location of the book.

The book is Bloom by Elizabeth Scott and the copyright date is May 2007

so it would be Magic realism, USA?

I don't see any magic in this summary. Could the literary period be modern or contemporary?


This is a Young Adult Romance from the USA.


When determining the literary period and country of a book, you need to consider the historical context and characteristics of the writing style employed by the author. Here's how you can go about finding this information:

1. Identify the book: Determine the title and author of the book you are writing the précis for. Make sure you have the correct information before proceeding.

2. Research the author: Look up the author of the book and gather information about their background. Find out where and when the author was born, lived, and wrote. This information will give you a broader understanding of the potential literary period and country associated with the author's work.

3. Evaluate the book's content: Read or skim through the book to get a sense of its themes, subject matter, and writing style. Consider any historical or cultural references that might help you determine the literary period and country.

4. Study the historical context: Research the historical events and cultural movements that were prevalent during the time the book was written. Look for any significant societal, political, or artistic changes that may have influenced the author.

5. Analyze the writing style: Consider the writing techniques, themes, and narrative structure used in the book. Compare them to the characteristics typically associated with different literary periods to identify similarities or influences.

6. Take note of the setting: Determine where the story takes place, as the setting could provide clues to the country of origin. Note any explicit references to the location or cultural elements that may help identify the country.

7. Consider external sources: If you are still unsure about the literary period and country, consult secondary sources such as literary analyses, critical essays, or book reviews. These sources often provide valuable insights into the book's context.

Remember that identifying the literary period and country of a book is not always straightforward, especially if the author's work spans multiple time periods or if they have a diverse background. It requires careful analysis and research to make an accurate determination.