solve and give two answers X^2=44


x = + 6.6332 or - 6.6332

If you are not allowed to use calculator,

x^2 = 44

x = + sqrt(4 * 11)

= + 2 sqrt(11)

To solve the equation X^2 = 44, we need to find the values of X that satisfy this equation. Here's how to do it:

1. Take the square root of both sides of the equation:
√(X^2) = √44.
Simplifying the left side gives us:
X = ±√44.

2. Simplify the term √44:
√44 = √(4 * 11) = √4 * √11 = 2√11.

Therefore, there are two possible solutions for X:

X = 2√11,
X = -2√11.

So, the two answers to the equation X^2 = 44 are X = 2√11 and X = -2√11.