looking at a square pyramid, if the size of the base remains the same and the height of the pyramid varies what are the minimum surface area and minimum volume the pyramid can have? The base is showing 2 in and the line on the right side of the base which I believe is also still the bottom of the pyramid shows 2 in. the height indicator inside the pyramid has the right angle marking on it but there is no number listed for that height.

I am confused on how to do surface area and volume if V=1/3bh and we don't know the height? Same with trying to figure out the surface area?

I suspect you are missing something in the problem statement but

the base seems to be square, 2 by 2 so the base area = 4

then the volume v is 1/3 *the area of the base * the height
v = (1/3)4 h

I assume the surface area you mean is the area of the sides, not including the base.
Look at one of the sloping sides. Its base is 2 but we need to find its altitude by using trig. It is the hypotenuse of a triangle whose base is 1 and height is h
therefore the altitude is sqrt(1+h^2)
therefore the area of one side is
and the total area of all four sides is
4 sqrt(1+h^2)

so v = 4/3 h
the minimum is of course when h = 0

a = 4 (1+h^2)^.5
da/dh = 4(.5)(1+h^2)^-.5 * 2h
this is clearly zero when h = 0

To find the minimum surface area and minimum volume of the square pyramid, we need to consider various heights and calculate the corresponding values of surface area and volume.

Let's start with the formula for the surface area of a square pyramid:
Surface Area = Base Area + (0.5 × Perimeter of Base × Slant Height)

Given that the base of the pyramid is a square with sides measuring 2 inches, the base area would be given by:
Base Area = side length² = 2² = 4 square inches.

Now, we need to consider the slant height of the pyramid. It is the perpendicular distance from the apex (top vertex) to the base. However, since the height is not provided, we can proceed with different assumptions.

Assumption 1: If the height is 0 (i.e., the pyramid is completely flattened), the surface area would be equal to the base area:
Surface Area = Base Area = 4 square inches.

Assumption 2: If the height is very small, approaching zero, we can still calculate an approximate minimum surface area. Let's assume the height is close to zero but not zero. In this case, we can consider the height as h = 0.0001 (or any small value).

To calculate the slant height, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:
Slant Height² = Height² + (0.5 × Base Length)²
Slant Height² = (0.0001)² + (0.5 × 2)²
Slant Height ≈ sqrt((0.0001)² + 1²) = sqrt(0.00010001 + 1) ≈ 1.00004999875

Now, we can calculate the surface area using the formula:
Surface Area ≈ 4 + (0.5 × 4 × 1.00004999875) ≈ 6.0000999975 square inches.

So, the minimum surface area of the pyramid, based on these assumptions, is approximately 6.0001 square inches.

Moving on to the volume, as you correctly mentioned, the formula for a pyramid is:
Volume = (1/3) × Base Area × Height

Since we already know the base area (4 square inches), we just need to consider different values for the height.

Assumption 1: If the height is 0, the volume would be zero.
Volume = (1/3) × 4 × 0 = 0 cubic inches.

Assumption 2: If the height is very small, approaching zero, we can approximate the minimum volume. Using h = 0.0001:
Volume ≈ (1/3) × 4 × 0.0001 = 0.00013333333 cubic inches.

Therefore, the minimum volume of the pyramid, based on these assumptions, is approximately 0.00013333 cubic inches.

To summarize:
- Assuming the height is zero, the minimum surface area is 4 square inches, and the minimum volume is 0 cubic inches.
- Assuming a small height (e.g., 0.0001 inches), the minimum surface area is approximately 6.0001 square inches, and the minimum volume is approximately 0.00013333 cubic inches.

Keep in mind that these values are based on specific assumptions about the height and can vary depending on different interpretations.