Is this word use correctly in the sentence?

- Migration

Paul like to watch the migration patterns of his new fish.

( I think it is correct because migration is a change in location depending on the season and the fish might be changing places depending on the season) Thanks

Your sentence implies that Paul's fish are in an aquarium. Fish do not migrate in an aquarium.

Birds are the most common migrators.

Check this site for information about the migration of birds observed at Point Pelee.

Yes, the word "migration" is used correctly in the sentence. The noun "migration" refers to the act or process of moving from one place to another, usually due to seasonal changes or environmental conditions. In the given sentence, it is used appropriately to describe the behavior of the fish that Paul is observing.

To verify if the word is used correctly, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the word in question, which is "migration" in this case.
2. Understand the definition and usage of the word. In this case, "migration" means the movement of living organisms from one place to another, often in response to changing seasons or environmental conditions.
3. Examine the sentence and determine whether the word is used appropriately. In the given sentence, "migration" accurately describes the behavior of fish moving from one place to another, indicating that the word is indeed used correctly.

Considering these steps, we can conclude that the word "migration" is used correctly in the sentence.