What is the best way to revise this sentence " Make your decisions about what features are important to you."

A. Make decisions about what features are important to you.
C. Decide what features are important to you.

C seems closer to the meaning of the original.

so it's c?

I also like C, because it's efficient and short.

Right. A is wordy! C is better.

To determine the best way to revise a sentence, we should consider clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness. Let's examine the two options you provided:

A. "Make decisions about what features are important to you."
C. "Decide what features are important to you."

Both options seem to be viable revisions. However, option C is more concise and straightforward, making it the better choice. It eliminates the redundant word "make" and simplifies the sentence structure without altering the intended meaning.

Therefore, the best way to revise the sentence would be:

C. "Decide what features are important to you."

Remember, when revising sentences, it's important to consider the context, clarity, and efficiency in conveying the intended message.