find three ways to show that 7/8 is greater than 5/8 use pictures ,numbers and/or words

Draw two circles. Divide each one into eight equal sections. Shade 7/8 in one and 5/8 in the other.

Seven is larger than five.

Can you think of a third way to show this?


To show that 7/8 is greater than 5/8 using pictures, numbers, and/or words, you can use the following three methods:

1. Using Pictures:
- Draw two rectangles or squares representing 8 equal parts each.
- Shade in 7 out of the 8 parts in one square and 5 out of the 8 parts in the other square.
- Compare the amount of shading in both squares to visually demonstrate that the shaded area in the first square (7/8) is greater than the shaded area in the second square (5/8).

2. Using Numbers:
- Write the fractions 7/8 and 5/8 side by side.
- Convert both fractions to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
- You'll get 0.875 for 7/8 and 0.625 for 5/8.
- Compare the decimals and observe that 0.875 is greater than 0.625, indicating that 7/8 is greater than 5/8.

3. Using Words:
- Write the fractions 7/8 and 5/8 side by side.
- Observe that both fractions have the same denominator, which means they represent parts of the same whole.
- Compare the numerators, 7 and 5. Since 7 is greater than 5, it means that 7/8 represents a larger quantity than 5/8.
- Thus, you can conclude that 7/8 is greater than 5/8.

By using these three different methods, you can visually, numerically, and verbally show that 7/8 is indeed greater than 5/8.