Tammy bought 16 cookies for a party. She had 6 6 cookies decorated at an extra cost of 25 cents each. If the total cost of the cookies $9.50, how much did each plan cookie cost?

Sorry it was a mistake... It was only 6 cookies (typo_not 66)

basic cost of cookie = x

fancy cookie = x+25

so 10x + 6(x+25) = 950

So that's how much each plain cookie cost?

I defined x to be cost of a basic cookie, so whatever you got for x in solving the equation is the cost of the cookie.

I hope you got 50 cents.

To find out the cost of each plain cookie, we need to subtract the additional cost of the decorated cookies from the total cost and then divide by the number of plain cookies. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the total cost of the decorated cookies.
Tammy bought 6 decorated cookies at an extra cost of 25 cents each. So, the total cost of the decorated cookies is 6 * $0.25 = $1.50.

Step 2: Calculate the cost of the plain cookies.
The total cost of all the cookies is $9.50. Since we know the cost of the decorated cookies is $1.50, we can subtract that from the total cost to get the cost of the plain cookies: $9.50 - $1.50 = $8.00.

Step 3: Calculate the cost of each plain cookie.
Tammy bought a total of 16 cookies, and 6 of them are decorated. So, the number of plain cookies is 16 - 6 = 10. To find the cost of each plain cookie, we divide the total cost of the plain cookies ($8.00) by the number of plain cookies (10).

$8.00 ÷ 10 = $0.80.

Therefore, each plain cookie cost $0.80.