what is the total number of moles in 80.0 grams of C2H5Cl (gram-formula mass=64.5grams/mole)?

please help !

You do realize people get the same homework questions right lmao.

the answer is 2

To find the total number of moles in a given mass of a substance, you can use the formula:

moles = mass / molar mass

In this case, the mass of C2H5Cl is given as 80.0 grams, and the molar mass is given as 64.5 grams/mole.

To calculate the number of moles of C2H5Cl, divide the given mass by the molar mass:

moles = 80.0 grams / 64.5 grams/mole

By performing the division, we find that the number of moles is approximately 1.24 moles.

Therefore, the correct answer is (2) 1.24.

I have just answered this for 'Jason'. Please keep to the same name as then we can try to keep advice consistent and not keep repeating comments/advice.