A=1/2h(B=b) (for b)area of a trapezoid

The correct formula is

B and b are the lengths of the two parallel sides and h is the distance beween them

Now... what exactly is your question?

If you want to solve for b, that can be done as follows:
B+b = (2A/h)
b = (2A/h) -B

To solve for the base length of a trapezoid, we can rearrange the formula for the area of a trapezoid:

A = (1/2)h(b1 + b2)

Here, A is the area, h is the height, b1 and b2 are the lengths of the parallel bases.

We want to solve for b2, so we'll substitute the given values into the formula and solve for b2.

The given formula is:
A = (1/2)h(B = b)

Here, B is the base length of the trapezoid that we are trying to find.

1. Substitute the values into the formula:
A = (1/2)h(b1 + b2)

Since B = b, we can replace b1 + b2 with B + b2:
A = (1/2)h(B + b2)

2. Expand the formula:
2A = h(B + b2)

3. Divide both sides of the equation by h:
(2A) / h = B + b2

4. Subtract B from both sides of the equation:
(2A) / h - B = b2

Therefore, the formula to calculate the length of the other base (b2) of a trapezoid with given area A, height h, and base length B is:

b2 = (2A / h) - B