How do you find coterminal angles in pi radians?

answered this above I think

To find coterminal angles in π radians, follow these steps:

1. Determine the principal angle: The principal angle is given by 2πn, where n is an integer. It represents one full revolution or 360 degrees.

2. Add or subtract multiples of π: To find coterminal angles, add or subtract integer multiples of π to the principal angle. This will result in angles that share the same terminal side but differ by a multiple of a full revolution.

For example, if the principal angle is 3π/4, some coterminal angles would be:

3π/4 + π = 7π/4
3π/4 + 2π = 11π/4
3π/4 - π = -π/4

These new angles have the same terminal side as the principal angle but are expressed in different rotations around the unit circle.