What is the best way to tell a chemical change has taken place?

1. The matter changes color
2. The mixture separates into layers
3. The composition chnages

I think the answer you want is 3 but color changes and separation into layers (if the original mixture was homogeneous) often indicate a chemical change has taken place. If the composition changes you KNOW a chemical change has occurred.

I know definitely that it is 3

The best way to determine if a chemical change has taken place is by examining whether the composition of the matter has changed. While a change in color or the separation of a mixture can indicate a physical change, they do not necessarily guarantee a chemical change has occurred.

To ascertain if a chemical change has occurred, you can follow a few steps:

1. Observe the presence of new substances: Look for the formation of any new substances. This could include the production of bubbles, a change in odor, or the appearance of a solid precipitate.

2. Check for energy changes: Determine if there is a release or absorption of energy during the process. Chemical reactions often involve the release or absorption of heat, light, sound, or electricity.

3. Assess the irreversibility of the change: Determine if the process is reversible or irreversible. Physical changes, such as melting or dissolving, are generally reversible, while chemical changes are typically irreversible.

By considering these factors, you can determine if a chemical change has taken place based on the alteration of the composition of the matter.