How would a 3rd grader classify this sentence using s, scs and scv? And where can I learn how to teach this better to my 3rd grader.

Read your library book quietly at your desk.


First of all, what do those letters stand for? "s" is probably subject, but I'm not sure, given these patterns.

Is there a formal name for the grammar system your child is being taught?

Oh, I see -- Shurley English.

Take a look at this and tell me what you think:

To classify the sentence using S, SCs, and SCv, we need to understand the meaning of these abbreviations.

- S stands for the subject, which is the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the sentence.
- SCs stands for the subject complement, which is a word or phrase that renames or describes the subject.
- SCv stands for the subject complement verb, which is a linking verb used before the subject complement.

Now let's analyze the sentence "Read your library book quietly at your desk" using these classifications:

- The subject of the sentence is "you." So, "you" is the S.
- There is no subject complement in this sentence as there is no additional word or phrase renaming or describing the subject.
- The verb in the sentence is "Read," which is an action verb.

Therefore, the classification of the sentence would be:

S: You
SCs: None
SCv: None

To learn how to teach this better to your 3rd grader, there are several resources you can consider:

1. Grammar instruction books: Look for grammar guides specifically designed for elementary school students. These books often contain simple explanations and exercises to reinforce understanding.

2. Online educational websites: Many educational websites provide resources, lessons, and interactive exercises for grammar and sentence analysis. Some popular websites include Khan Academy,, and Funbrain.

3. YouTube tutorials: There are many YouTube channels dedicated to teaching grammar concepts to kids. You can search for videos specifically tailored for 3rd grade grammar lessons.

4. Educational apps: There are various educational apps available that focus on developing language and grammar skills for children. These apps often incorporate interactive exercises and games to make learning engaging.

Consider exploring these resources to find the ones that suit your teaching style and cater to your child's needs. It's always beneficial to supplement classroom learning with additional resources to reinforce understanding and provide practical examples.