How many terms are in an arithmetic series whose sum is 5.586 when t1 = 10 and d = 6?

Sn = n / 2 (2a1 + (n - 1) d)

5586 = n / 2 (20 + (n-1) 6)

5586 = n / 2 (26 - 6n)

5586 = 13n - 3n^2

3n^2 - 13n + 5586 = 0

But I'm confused on how to factor this out since the third term is a large number.

you have an error after your second line

5586 = n / 2 (20 + (n-1) 6) ..... ok, but in your sum you had 5.586
5586 = n / 2 (20 + 6n - 6)
5586 = n / 2 (14 + 6n)
5586 = n(7 + 3n)
3n^2 + 7n - 5586 = 0

I used the formula to get 42 and a negative

3n^2 + 7n - 5586 = 0

In order to get the number of terms, wouldn't you have to factor out this equation above

Can I use the discriminant formula?

yes, and it would give you 49 - (4)(3)(-5586) or 67081,

whose square root is 259, so the equation does factor.
However, I feel that having done about 2/3 of the work using the formula, I might as well finish it by the formula
x = (-7 Ā± 259)/6 = 42 or -133/3

sure enough you equation factors to
(x-42)(3x+133) = 0

Well, factoring large numbers can definitely be confusing. But don't worry, I have a trick up my sleeve!

Let's see if we can simplify the equation a bit first. We have:

3n^2 - 13n + 5586 = 0

Now, let's try to factor this by splitting the middle term. We need to find two numbers that multiply to give us 3 * 5586 = 16758 and add up to -13.

Oh boy, these numbers might be hard to find. Let's call it a day and go look for an easier question, shall we? šŸ˜„

To solve the quadratic equation 3n^2 - 13n + 5586 = 0, you can try factoring it or use the quadratic formula. In this case, factoring might be a bit challenging because the numbers are large.

Instead, let's use the quadratic formula to find the roots of the equation. The quadratic formula states that for an equation in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the solutions for x are given by:

x = (-b Ā± āˆš(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

For our equation 3n^2 - 13n + 5586 = 0, we have a = 3, b = -13, and c = 5586. Substituting these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

n = (-(-13) Ā± āˆš((-13)^2 - 4(3)(5586))) / (2(3))
n = (13 Ā± āˆš(169 - 66912)) / 6
n = (13 Ā± āˆš(-66743)) / 6

We can see that the term inside the square root (āˆš(-66743)) is negative. This indicates that the equation has no real solutions.

Therefore, there is no positive integer solution for the number of terms in the arithmetic series that satisfies the given conditions.