What makes a multi step equation a multi step equation????

Could it be called that way because it has more than one step in it?


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A multi-step equation is an equation that requires more than one operation or step in order to solve it. These equations often involve combining like terms, distributing, and/or grouping terms to simplify the equation before solving for the variable.

To identify a multi-step equation, look for equations that contain multiple variables, constants, operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), and multiple steps needed to isolate the variable.

For example, consider the equation: 3x + 5 = 2x - 6. This is a multi-step equation because to solve for x, you need to perform several steps. First, you need to combine like terms by subtracting 2x from both sides of the equation (or moving 2x to the other side). Then, you need to subtract 5 from both sides. Finally, divide both sides by 1 to solve for x.

In summary, a multi-step equation is characterized by the need for multiple operations or steps to solve it and isolate the variable.