Average rating is 3.25

Total errors 65

If average transactions in sept. is 40. What is the average key error and then write the ration of key errors to the amount of transactions.
If the same number of transactions happen in Oct. how much would you need to reduce your key errors to have a ratio of key errors to transactions of 1:7?

To calculate the average key error, we need to divide the total number of errors (65) by the average number of transactions in September (40):

Average key error = Total errors / Average transactions in September
Average key error = 65 / 40 = 1.625

Now let's calculate the ratio of key errors to the amount of transactions in September:

Ratio of key errors to transactions = Key errors / Transactions
Ratio of key errors to transactions = 65 / 40 = 1.625

To find out how much you would need to reduce your key errors in October to have a ratio of 1:7 with the same number of transactions (40), we can set up the following equation:

(Key errors - X) / 40 = 1 / 7

Where X represents the amount we need to reduce the key errors by. Let's solve for X:

(Key errors - X) / 40 = 1 / 7
7(Key errors - X) = 40
7Key errors - 7X = 40
7Key errors = 40 + 7X
Key errors = (40 + 7X) / 7

Now we can substitute this value of Key errors into the equation for the average key error:

1.625 = (40 + 7X) / 7

Let's solve for X:

1.625 * 7 = 40 + 7X
11.375 = 40 + 7X
7X = 11.375 - 40
7X = -28.625
X = -28.625 / 7
X ≈ -4.089

Therefore, you would need to reduce your key errors by approximately 4.089 in October to have a ratio of key errors to transactions of 1:7.