Investment may be thought of in each of these terms except:

A. resources
B. money spent
C. percent of GDP
D. imports vs. exports

I think it's D but I'm not sure.

To find the correct answer, let's go through each option and see if it applies to the concept of investment:

A. Resources: Investment typically involves allocating resources, such as money, time, or assets, to generate future benefits. Therefore, this option is a possible term associated with investment.

B. Money spent: Investment usually involves spending money or capital with the expectation of future returns or benefits. Therefore, this option is also a possible term associated with investment.

C. Percent of GDP: The percent of GDP represents the total value of investments in an economy relative to the country's total economic output. This is a commonly used measure to assess the level of investment in an economy. Therefore, this option is a possible term associated with investment.

D. Imports vs. exports: The terms "imports" and "exports" are related to international trade and refer to the movement of goods between different countries. While international trade can be influenced by investment activities, such as foreign direct investment, it is not a direct measure or concept usually associated with investment itself. Therefore, this option is the correct answer - it does not apply to the concept of investment.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option D, "imports vs. exports."