what is the different between a scalar and vector?

Scalar shows magnatude only.

Vector shows magnatude and direction.

Please check your Dec. 21, 2:20pm Posting.

A scalar and a vector are both mathematical quantities, but they have several key differences.

1. Definition:
- A scalar is a quantity that has only magnitude. It is described by a single value, such as temperature, mass, or time.
- A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is described by both a value and a specific direction, such as velocity, force, or displacement.

2. Representation:
- Scalars are typically represented using just a number or a variable, without any specific notation. For example, a scalar quantity like mass can be represented as "m" or "10 kg".
- Vectors are usually represented using bold letters or with an arrow on top of the symbol. For example, a vector quantity like velocity can be represented as "v" or "→v".

3. Operations:
- Scalars can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided by other scalars, resulting in another scalar quantity.
- Vectors can also be added and subtracted, resulting in a new vector that represents the combined effect of the individual vectors. They can also be multiplied by scalars, resulting in a scaled vector.

4. Physical interpretation:
- Scalars represent quantities that have only magnitude, such as the mass of an object or the temperature of a substance.
- Vectors represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as the velocity of an object or the force acting on it.

To get a better understanding of the differences between scalars and vectors, you can study and practice various mathematical problems and physics examples involving these quantities. Reading textbooks or taking online courses on topics like kinematics or linear algebra can help in grasping the concept and applications of scalars and vectors.